Tuesday, July 8, 2008

New Blog!!!

I've been meaning to do this for a while.. but I finally have a new blog!! Blogspot.com has been good to me, but it was time for an upgrade and typepad.com was it! 


Check it out!! :0) 

Saturday, June 28, 2008

My Beautiful Godkids!- Tampa, FL

This weekend I'm taking my vacation for the summer and spending a few days down in Florida visiting my Aunt Lisa, Uncle Tom, my cousin Lulu and her two beautiful kids, Bobby and Riley who just happen to be my amazing godkids :0) I don't get to see them nearly enough, so every moment I get with them is so precious! Lulu asked me to take some pictures (like I wouldn't have anyway :P) of her with the kids that they could send to her husband Bobby who is serving in Iraq. I just wanted to take a quick minute and stick some of my favorites up from our trip to the beach today!

Take a look at this stud!

This picture just screams summer joy to me :0) I love her expression!!
my Riley girl :0)
Gotta have some good cuddle time with mommy every day!
Lots and lots of kisses!
I think this one is so cute! Riley apparently wasn't feelin it too much, but its so great of Bobby and Lulu!

Ha how typical :P

He was a little fishy swimming in the ocean the entire day!

She loved the waves... as long as she was with her mommy :0)

so pretty :0)

Hands down my favorite from the day. She makes the BEST expressions and I loooove those little baby curls!! So stinkin cute!!!
I will be back super late Monday night, so if you've emailed me this weekend I will get back to you at some point on Tuesday!! Hope you're weekend is as good as mine :0)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Wharton Family- Hampton, VA

I'm so sorry this post is so overdue, but I literally selected about 40 images that I loved, so needless to say it took me a while to sort through and pick my favorites for the blog.. get ready for a longer post than usual!! :0) 

I've known the Whartons for a little over a year, after having her three older kids Wyatt, Hannah, and Elliot in my class on Wednesday mornings during the school year. They welcomed baby Evelynn last month, and I've been counting down until I could meet this new little one! Evelynn was one of the sweetest babies who is oh so loved by her family, especially her siblings! They can not get enough of their baby sister, which made for some great pictures :0) Happy viewing!!

I love this first mommy/daughter moment :0) 

Evelynn is just starting to smile! She was full of smiles for mommy :0) 
See what I mean?? They can't get enough of their new baby! Everyone had to take turns holding Evelynn.. what a lucky little girl! 
She started to fuss just for a minute, all that modeling can be hard work for a baby! She calmed right down the moment she got into her daddys arms though. I love this one of her little hands and feet in her dads arms :0)  

I absolutely adore this one of Elliot and Rachel! Lots of kisses for mommy :0) 
This might be my favorite image of the day, definitely my favorite family portrait! I love all the expressions and the laughter :0) So fun!!
Gotta look out for that tickle monster.. he'll get you every time!! :P
The little princess :0)
Ha! Talk about a little monkey :0)

Some of my favorite images from the shoot were definitely ones of Hannah and her daddy.
Sleeeeeepy baby... 
Love this one of her!
Shhhhh! Evelynn is sleeeeeeping! 
Nice little family picture :0)
Gotta love those baby toes!
Check out those blue eyes! 
I really, REALLY love this one. Kisses all around :0)

A quiet moment for mommy and daddy... 
Funniest moment of the day... we're in the middle of taking a picture of all the kids when Elliot stands up very matter of factly and states "I need a popsicle." and immediately walks away into the kitchen to retrieve one. We figured a popsicle was a perfect treat for the kids for being such great sports throughout the photo session :0) 
Thanks for sharing your family with me for the afternoon and letting me hold your sweet baby girl :0) Hope to see you guys again soon! 

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A Day at the National Zoo- Washington, DC

Aside from hanging out with tons of amazing couples taking pictures at their weddings during the summer, I have the pure joy of spending my days with Lauren and Sammy and their wonderful family. I've worked for their family for the last 3 summers since Lauren was only 9 months old. She will be 4 on July 31st and is a little princess through and through. Sam turned 2 in May and is 100% B-O-Y, complete with tool belt and dirt under his fingernails 24-7 :0) Their parents are taking advantage of a couple days all to themselves, so I get to spend Monday-Wednesday with these crazy kids. Yesterday my friend Ryan and I took them downtown to the national zoo and they had a blast. Lauren pretty much did not let go of Ryan the entire time.. not that he was complaining.. I mean c'mon.. it doesn't get much cuter than these two kiddos :0) Check out some of my favorite images!

He was very excited to be at the zoo :0)
come on. isn't he the cutest thing?!
They took our sunglasses :0) I think this may be my favorite picture of them yet!
So cute!
I don't know if they liked seeing the animals or playing in the sprinklers better! 
That was pretty much her position the ENTIRE day :0)
Check out those baby blues!!! 
LOOOOVE this one of her! So beautiful!
This is my favorite one of him so far! I love those eyes! 
she loves her baby brother.. what can i say? :P
Startin to look a little tired by the end of the day :0) All in all a very fun adventure though! 
I'm sure there will be many more pictures of them throughout the summer.. the camera just loves them (and I'm a fan of them too.. just a little, ya know :0) )