Friday, September 21, 2007

Katie and Tim- Newport News, VA

Last Friday I got to hang out with my friend Katie, who lived right down the hall from me freshman year of college, and her fiance Tim. We went to their favorite spot right on the river which made for a gorgeous setting for these pictures. There were so many that I loved, as they both were all smiles and were constantly making each other laugh whether he was gently brushing the hair out of her face or literally picking her up and throwing her in a trash can for making fun of him :0)
Checkin out the bling! Which is actually quite amazing if I do say so... but I love this next one, just what a tender moment it was..

This next one was right before the trash can incident..:P

So they decided to try this next one a little different than the majority of the couples I have the privledge of photographing... :0)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cory Newell credited you on his portraits, and Jessica, I'm a new fan! Really enjoying your pictures. =) ~Hannah Reichel