Saturday, December 1, 2007

Patrick and Evin's Engagement- Norfolk, VA

Congratulations to Evin and Patrick who will be getting married next May! I had a great time hanging out with them and we had the cool opportunity to go take pictures by their home church where they will be getting married next year. It was great to have Terresa Shaw, a very talented up-and-coming photographer assist me on the shoot (look for one of her images below!) We really had so much fun getting to know this sweet couple, I just love some of these pictures where they're making each other laugh and just enjoying being with each other. Can't wait til May!! :0)

I LOVE the fall colors in the first one! We couldnt have had better luck with the weather-it was such a perfect fall day!

this next one is Terresa's- this was one of my favorite images she captured, I just love Evin's expression!! :0)

This is the church where they're getting married- so pretty!

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