Sunday, May 18, 2008

Big News!!

So I usually don't talk too much about whats going on in my personal life on my blog, which I would like to start doing a little more of.. BUT this is big news!! Jessica Smith Photography is moving to Raleigh, NC! Its time for a little change of scenery and somehow Raleigh was the winner! After lots of opinions an convincing from many people that I love dearly (my mother wanting me up in D.C., some of my very best friends wanting me to stay in VA Beach, and my YoungLife teammates and some of my high schoolers pushing for Raleigh) and a LOT of praying on my part, Raleigh was the only real option :0) 

It hasn't really hit me yet that I'm leaving this great community in Newport News; it has definitely served me well and taught me so much over the last 4 years. But I am still really excited for the change of pace and to get to know everyone down in Raleigh! It will be really hard to leave all my amazing friends/clients in Virginia Beach/Norfolk area, but I'm ALWAYS looking for an excuse to come back and visit the area (or D.C.; my mother would LOVE you forever :P ) so please PLEASE don't hesitate to refer me to your friend and family in this area! And feel free to come visit in Raleigh! I'll be there starting the beginning of August :0) 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Jessie! I'll definitely be sure to refer you to anyone I know in the DC area!