Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Cory- Newport News, VA

Earlier this week I got a rather frantic call from a friend of a friend looking for a photographer to do some headshots in the next two days! Good thing I was on my way back to Newport News when he called and was able to help him out the next day! He needed these for a very special project, and I think we were both really excited with the results! It was a rather cold Monday morning, but he was a great sport, even if it meant taking off his nice warm coat to get some of these shots! You'd never be able to tell from these pictures! These were just a couple of my favorites from the shoot I thought I'd put up just to change it up a little bit from the families and couples that I adore and usually cover my blog :0)

OH and this was the first shoot I did with my new Canon 5D! The best stuff canon has to offer, I'm so excited to use it on all these weddings I have coming up this year! Can't wait!

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